It’s Great to Tessellate!

I can't say that I've ever been very intrigued by tessellations. I needed a good activity to do with pre-school-aged children, though, and tessellations combine patterns and crafts...always a winner with the three to four year old set. As usual, anytime I dismiss something as not-so-interesting, I ultimately discover how mistaken I was. It's great... Continue Reading →

Mirror Mirror

This is a quick and easy math activity for young AND old children...mirror books! Go to your local craft store and buy 2 mirrors. I bought two 12" square mirrors from Michael's. Alternatively, you could get them on Amazon. I recommend beveled mirrors so that they are less likely to crunch and crush against each... Continue Reading →

Screens and Wall Ball

Wall Ball is currently THE game to play at recess if you are a 2nd grade boy. Or maybe just if you're my 2nd grade boy. It is a welcome change from the Pokemon card trading that was popular at the beginning of the school year. Surprisingly, both wall ball and Pokemon trading can connect to... Continue Reading →

Clean Math (a.k.a Tubby Time)

A few posts ago, I commented on the brilliance of using car time, when your kids are locked down and not going anywhere, to talk about math. Well, bath time is like that, too! While your kid is not locked down (right? right), he is doing something he has to do anyway. Use that time... Continue Reading →

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